In Uganda, if you want her to dump you...
It might be true to say that he who is in love thinks that the others are blind; some of us just think that he is crazy. And as much as the economic recession is so published, the social one is always ignored and some causes are as minor!!! Anyway, so I was with a friend and his colleague kept on hurrying the conversation. I realized it was unusual and asked what he was hurrying to do at home. “I have to beat the jam (traffic jam) before it’s late,” he stressed. “Late for what,” I asked? From the brief acquaintance, I didn’t think he was an early home kind of person. This time he was going to be. And thank you God, for the things love can make us do. Yes! When you love someone you always have to do something a little extra ordinary. It could be writing a very interesting poem, when even your high school teacher knew that the last poem you read halfway, let alone wrote, was the mandatory Shakespearean verse or the Longman’s Publisher’s advert in the back of the school exercise book’s co...